

Good news for all the participants

28 Apr 21

As we know that each day we are becoming stronger than ever and this system has become the biggest system in the whole world. The credit for this is the result of the hard work of our participants because everyone together has expanded this economic revolution in the society day and night and today we are emerging as the biggest power of the world for the same reason. MMM is not a company but we are a family of all and we are members of this family, so we all have to come together and maintain a love brotherhood within our family so that we can become the largest family in the world. Our participants are all over the world, so all the participants are our brothers and we have to cooperate together with our brothers. This system has been created by the late Sergey Mavrodi for economic freedom and his solemn thought was that if we go together, Millions of people will move millions of steps at a time and when Millions of steps are taken, we can change the world. . In today's world, people like Corona are suffering from financial, mental and physical problems, but this system is strengthening all of you financially, mentally. You can develop this system even by staying at home through a zoom meeting and your You can keep your health healthy. We all have to think above greed because this system will automatically make you financially strong and help people together when you become financially strong. God has not made us human beings but human beings, and while making human beings, he gave us knowledge like Bible, Qu



01 Aug 20



Dear Mavrodians ,

Good tidings in regards to you all members of this community for your steadfast for the growth of the community. The new dawn must always be with positive vibe as benefit to the life and well-being of whom experienced the blew, this blow of mmmglobal-mavro.com has been making positive impact to the life of members over the world which is what has make this community to keep sailing on its giant stride with much prospect and vision to be more acceptable everywhere and be the best we can ever imagine in the history of Peer to Peer system. It is on the above note we extend our good tidings to you all for believing in this system and always standing with the legacy of Lt.Sergey Mavrodi.


Dear members, out of our intention to make life well meaning for members of this great community, we are introducing 2 new concepts to the system as these concepts would make the participants more happy and at the same time give more growth cum sustainability to the system . The 2 new concepts are as follow:


1) TASK BONUS: Task Bonus has been an innovation that is also known as MMM-EXTRA. This gives you extra 10% reward with the normal 30% of your PH at the rate of 0.33% per day with growth. We are starting promotional daily task for all members as this task would be simple ones that will only task few minutes of to be accomplished on social media and other means. Note that at the end of doing the daily task,



13 Jul 20

 It’s a new dawn to the world that the legacy of Lt.Sergey Mavrodi needs to be continued, a man whom have used lifetime in pursuing the financial equality all round world with his concept, Mavrodi Mondial Movement(MMM). The truth had been emphasised that to carry on the image, good intention, vision of Sergey is a big task as it carries hard task for many to be selfless like he was, as it is hard for many to be for the people like Sergey, this has been the reason it took a long before this time of invention of mmmglobal-mavro.com. At itl, we had the motivation and togetherness to let live on his great legacy as this is what he lived for all his life.


It has been a great deal and the movement all around the world since introducing the new MMM GLOBAL has been massively acceptable. From all continents of the world, we have been experiencing great participation and at every minutes, we are gaining more momentum and confidence with happiness to let move the legacy of Lt.Sergey Mavrodi.

The MAVRO-INNOVATION of MMM GLOBAL was the concept of Lt. Sergey Mavrodi and so far, people are getting more sophisticated and well-versed in the used of the Mavro as internal currency of the community.

The community is with capacity to :

-Give 30% reward on every PH after 30days as released date is 14days .

- Referral Bonus of 10% and also Guider bonus from 1st Generation to 8th. Anyone could be guider based the activeness and number of participants referred.

- Testimonia



07 Jul 20

Dear MMM Enthuasists,

We have brought the good news after the long awaited period of years from you all over the world in requesting for the rebirth of MMM GLOBAL, one with the main administrators and partners of Lt. Sergey Mavrodi, we are here with the modern innovation which has been the long term innovation Lt.Sergey Mavrodi before his death in few years back. Based on the request from all over the world by the leaders of MMM from India, Phillphine, West Africa, Asia Countries, China , Indonesia , Peru, USA, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Myanmar(Burma) and other countries, we have decided to come together and carry on with the legacy of our dear friend and mentor, Lt. Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi. And on this intention, we are with same mission as his to get financial inequality eradicated in the world. And we believe together, we can change the world.